The Work Zone
The work zone is the distance between the first advance warning sign and the point beyond the work area where traffic is no longer affected.
▪ Advance warning area tells traffic what to expect ahead.
▪ Transition area moves traffic out of its normal path.
▪ The Activity area provides space for the work, traffic, and buffer space and/or protective vehicles between the two.
▫Buffer areas separate traffic from workers and provide a recovery area for errant vehicles. No equipment, vehicles or material shall be placed in this area.
▫Protective vehicle area provides a temporary barrier vehicle and roll-ahead distance for worker safety. If a vehicle is not being used, then the roll-ahead distance is not necessary. No equipment, vehicles or material shall be placed in the roll-ahead distance.
▫Work area is set aside for workers, equipment and material storage.
▪Termination area lets traffic resume normal driving.